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Piano Lessons: Why You’re Probably Paying for a Wrong Piano Course

Sunday, July 14th, 2013

What are the 3 things the piano site owner probably doesn’t want you to know?

In times like this, the pianists who stand out are the ones who remain confident of their decisions.

What a successful piano student does best is this. He looks far into the future and find out what piano lessons to learn today.

When buying a piano course, it’s natural that we pay less attention to the money we spend than the promises of piano lessons’ website because we are bent on satisfying our desire.

Today, saving money is so important that we have to make sure that we are not being set up to pay for a wrong piano course, but putting our money where our best interest lies.

Before you even read any piano lessons’ sales page, you have to go deep into yourself, and ask the 3 “What” questions no body wants you to do before you lose your money.

1- What exactly do you want in this piano lessons?

2- What’s the minimum required ways to have it?

3- What’s the fastest and easiest way to get what you want?

Arming yourself with this knowledge, means you are now going to spend money on your term, and not on the piano lessons’ sales page or the owner’s term: You have the power because you remain confident of your decision.

1- What exactly do you want in this piano lessons?

People take piano lessons for different reasons.

What is yours?

Do you want to play the piano to…

  • have a sole source of income, create, and experience exciting careers on the back of the piano?
  • write music for living, and develop your skill like a professional?
  • discover the hidden piano genius within your DNA.
  • bring people’s hearts together, and meet interesting life-long-friends?

Yes, you want to play piano. Who doesn’t?

Look far into the future, what exactly do you want your piano lessons to do for you, and what does that look like?

If you’re unclear about what you want, you pay the price by sinking your money to make someone rich. Why? Because, you’re unclear about which actions will produce the best results. You can’t distinguish between worthless piano course and worthwhile action to take. You’ll probably be paying for wrong piano lessons.

2- What’s the minimum necessary ways to have it?

If you’re not entirely clear about what you need to be the pianist you want to be, then chances are, you’re also not clear about what is not necessary to buy. And that’s a big problem.

What’s the least number of ways you need to get there?

Is it reading of sheet music, playing piano by ear, leaning Piano chords, mastering advanced techniques, learning to follow along any music, mastering all the basic skills and so on?

Of all the piano techniques available, which ones are necessary for you–to achieve the pianist lifestyle you desire?

This is your power, don’t buy a piano program based on its promises… you’ll be wasting your time, your effort, your money, and all the while diminishing your chances for success with the piano lessons.

3- What’s the fastest and easiest way to get your desire out come?

Now you are clear on your goal in buying the piano lessons, and you know what it takes to get to it. There’s no doubt you’re an informed buyer now.

You would also like it if you can play the piano faster. Who wouldn’t?

How fast do you want to learn the piano lessons as regards to your time? If you can’t make the time you need to finish the piano lessons, rushing to buy the course is not a wise decision.

You can find almost always any shortcut. Find the faster path to get to the pianist of your desire. You will not get lost in paying for the piano lessons that will help you get the result.

You now have the yard stick for measuring the piano course you want, just use it. You wouldn’t fall for a search for instant gratification of your desire, believing the hype, and buying so many magic-bullets with big promises.


To succeed as a pianist, this is what you should do best. Take a look far into the future and find out what to buy today.

Best Regards.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/music-articles/piano-lessons-why-youre-probably-paying-for-a-wrong-piano-course-4466972.html

About the Author

Rash is an inspirational Leader and a pianist who believes “there is piano genius in you.”
For more information, visit the only piano teaching website that uses inspiration to give you confidence when you sit at piano: http://www.masteringpianonow.com/?p=298/
Get more RESOURCES on piano lessons DEEP SECRET: http://masteringpianonow.com/pianoforall/PianoLessons.html

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