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Choosing a Child’s First Piano – Important Facts You Must Know

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

For a child, learning how to play an instrument such as the piano will undoubtedly make a major contribution to his or her education and overall development. Studies have shown that children who begin to learn music at a young age will usually have higher test scores and even a higher IQ. These children often are more successful in school also, due in part to being more prepared to comprehend and conceptualize many challenges better than their peers. Studying and learning how to play on the piano is one of the greatest achievements a child can make.

A very important factor in helping to motivate a child to learn piano is for them to have their own piano or keyboard so they can practice their music and have a sense of ownership and pride about their musical instrument. Hopefully this will work to inspire the child to practice and continue to improve their piano playing skills. Of course, it is wise to determine how much enthusiasm the child has about learning to play piano prior to your decision to purchase one just for them. When a child is first learning to play on a piano, they won’t need a full size 88-key piano keyboard, but as their skills grow and they become more advanced piano players, they will certainly want to have a full piano with a regular sized set of keys.

A digital piano or keyboard is a wonderful idea for an introduction into a child’s piano playing study. A digital piano usually has the ability to record music and even download music files from the internet, which can be great learning tools to aid in the child’s piano playing development. Another added benefit of these features on digital pianos is the capability to save the music you play, and can e-mail it to anybody you want. Children can send songs they have played and recorded on their digital piano through email to grandparents or other relatives, and won’t they be proud! There are many more great features on most high quality digital pianos and keyboards as well. A majority of them have several pre-recorded songs that can be utilized as learning tools as your child plays along with the recording. On most digital keyboard pianos, the child can mute certain parts of the recorded songs and play the muted part themselves on the keyboard. This is a fun and excellent way for a child to learn piano, when it comes to learning to play piano, there is nothing better than hands-on experience.

Follow this link to find out more about Rocket Piano!

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/parenting-articles/choosing-a-childs-first-piano-important-facts-you-must-know-583683.html

About the Author

Todd Bridges is a life-long music fan and piano lover. For great resources on childrens piano lessons and more information on buying a childs first piano, visit http://www.perfect-piano.com

10 Great Reasons Why You Should Learn to Play Piano Today

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

Start learning to play piano today! Learning to play the piano is one of the best things you could do for yourself. If you have even the slightest desire to play piano, you should start right away! Read on to find out ten great reasons to learn to play the piano!

1) Learning to play piano has never been easier. There are many ways to learn to play piano. You could learn piano by taking private lessons with a teacher, reading online tutorials, or using piano course books and watching DVD’s.

2) Learning to play piano is a lot more affordable than you may think. At the cost of eating out, you can purchase a good instructional DVD or book. I am particularly a fan of DVD’s, since you can see and hear a lesson as many times as you want. It’s almost like having a private teacher by your side 24 hours a day. Piano course books are also great. Many piano course books are now accompanied by an audio CD which lets you listen to the lessons inside the book.

3) Learning to play piano will give you something to share with your children or grand children. Children naturally love music. You can entertain them with your favorite children songs. You might even attract enough of their interest that they will also want to learn! Give your children the gift of music.

4) Learning to play piano will give you the ability to perform your favorite songs anytime you feel like it! Everyone usually has a few songs in mind that they wished they could just sit down and play. Well, there is no better time than now to make that dream come true! Piano sheet music for all levels of difficulty is easily available at your local library, bookstore, or music store. There are even websites that sell printable electronic versions of sheet music online. The great thing about that is that some websites will even let you preview and hear samples of songs before you purchase!

5) Learning to play piano is a great way to entertain friends and family! Imagine being able to play your favorite songs while everyone is singing along. It’s a great bonding experience. You could even teach a few simple songs to those who are interested.

6) Learning to play piano is something you will be able to cherish for the rest of your life. People keep playing the piano well into their 90’s. The best thing is, the longer you play, the more you will learn, and the more enjoyment you will get out of it. Give your self this great gift now. Start learning to play the piano today!

7) Learning to play piano makes you a versatile musician. The piano is an extremely versatile instrument. The piano is the only instrument that allows you to play multiple notes simultaneously with great ease. This means that you can perform really nice renditions of songs from any genre. This also makes the piano an ideal instrument for composing since it basically acts as a miniature orchestra. If you are composing music on the computer, the electronic piano keyboard serves as a perfect interface for entering notes in real-time into your music software.

8) Learning to play piano will allow you to listen to music with greater enjoyment and appreciation. Since you will learn how songs are put together, your listening ability will become more refined. You will start to hear and notice more distinct details in the music that you listen to. Songs that you have been listening to for years will seem richer as you hear nuances that you have never noticed before. You may also start to enjoy songs from other genres of music that you would normally never listen to.

9) Learning to play piano is physically easy. The piano is much easier to pick up compared to other musical instruments. Take the violin for example, which takes some serious practice to be able to make even a single pleasing sound by using the bow. Another example would be the guitar. There are so many tough fingering positions that you will need to learn to be able to play even the most basic chords. By learning the piano, anyone can easily play notes and chords in their first lesson.

10) Learn to play piano and join a rich tradition that is over 250 years old. The piano has heavily influenced every major style of music since its first appearance. Today, pianists still use the piano keyboard to create great music, as heard by such performers like Gavin Degraw, Alicia Keys, and Vanessa Carlton. The piano is also being used behind the scenes as an instrument for composing music for movies, video games, plays, and much more.

There you have it! There are just so many great reasons to start playing the piano today. If you are even slightly convinced, I urge you to go ahead and give it a shot. It will be one of the best things you will ever do for yourself! You won’t regret it!

Follow this link to find out more about Rocket Piano!

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/music-articles/10-great-reasons-why-you-should-learn-to-play-piano-today-507623.html

About the Author

Mondul Kao is a contributing author for ZebraKeys.com, which is one of the top websites for free online piano lessons.

Rohan Piano Lesson July 2010

Saturday, August 3rd, 2013


Rohan Bapna learning to play Piano

Source: YouTube

Follow this link to find out more about learning to play the piano!

Piano Lessons: Why You’re Probably Paying for a Wrong Piano Course

Sunday, July 14th, 2013

What are the 3 things the piano site owner probably doesn’t want you to know?

In times like this, the pianists who stand out are the ones who remain confident of their decisions.

What a successful piano student does best is this. He looks far into the future and find out what piano lessons to learn today.

When buying a piano course, it’s natural that we pay less attention to the money we spend than the promises of piano lessons’ website because we are bent on satisfying our desire.

Today, saving money is so important that we have to make sure that we are not being set up to pay for a wrong piano course, but putting our money where our best interest lies.

Before you even read any piano lessons’ sales page, you have to go deep into yourself, and ask the 3 “What” questions no body wants you to do before you lose your money.

1- What exactly do you want in this piano lessons?

2- What’s the minimum required ways to have it?

3- What’s the fastest and easiest way to get what you want?

Arming yourself with this knowledge, means you are now going to spend money on your term, and not on the piano lessons’ sales page or the owner’s term: You have the power because you remain confident of your decision.

1- What exactly do you want in this piano lessons?

People take piano lessons for different reasons.

What is yours?

Do you want to play the piano to…

  • have a sole source of income, create, and experience exciting careers on the back of the piano?
  • write music for living, and develop your skill like a professional?
  • discover the hidden piano genius within your DNA.
  • bring people’s hearts together, and meet interesting life-long-friends?

Yes, you want to play piano. Who doesn’t?

Look far into the future, what exactly do you want your piano lessons to do for you, and what does that look like?

If you’re unclear about what you want, you pay the price by sinking your money to make someone rich. Why? Because, you’re unclear about which actions will produce the best results. You can’t distinguish between worthless piano course and worthwhile action to take. You’ll probably be paying for wrong piano lessons.

2- What’s the minimum necessary ways to have it?

If you’re not entirely clear about what you need to be the pianist you want to be, then chances are, you’re also not clear about what is not necessary to buy. And that’s a big problem.

What’s the least number of ways you need to get there?

Is it reading of sheet music, playing piano by ear, leaning Piano chords, mastering advanced techniques, learning to follow along any music, mastering all the basic skills and so on?

Of all the piano techniques available, which ones are necessary for you–to achieve the pianist lifestyle you desire?

This is your power, don’t buy a piano program based on its promises… you’ll be wasting your time, your effort, your money, and all the while diminishing your chances for success with the piano lessons.

3- What’s the fastest and easiest way to get your desire out come?

Now you are clear on your goal in buying the piano lessons, and you know what it takes to get to it. There’s no doubt you’re an informed buyer now.

You would also like it if you can play the piano faster. Who wouldn’t?

How fast do you want to learn the piano lessons as regards to your time? If you can’t make the time you need to finish the piano lessons, rushing to buy the course is not a wise decision.

You can find almost always any shortcut. Find the faster path to get to the pianist of your desire. You will not get lost in paying for the piano lessons that will help you get the result.

You now have the yard stick for measuring the piano course you want, just use it. You wouldn’t fall for a search for instant gratification of your desire, believing the hype, and buying so many magic-bullets with big promises.


To succeed as a pianist, this is what you should do best. Take a look far into the future and find out what to buy today.

Best Regards.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/music-articles/piano-lessons-why-youre-probably-paying-for-a-wrong-piano-course-4466972.html

About the Author

Rash is an inspirational Leader and a pianist who believes “there is piano genius in you.”
For more information, visit the only piano teaching website that uses inspiration to give you confidence when you sit at piano: http://www.masteringpianonow.com/?p=298/
Get more RESOURCES on piano lessons DEEP SECRET: http://masteringpianonow.com/pianoforall/PianoLessons.html

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